
Create a IINA iOS version, please · Issue #674

2017年5月23日 — I have iPhone 7 Plus and iPad Pro 12.9 here, for testing. Can you optimized libmpv for iOS? I know this is not easy.

Download | IINA

You can open various online media in IINA directly from web browsers by using our browser extensions. The Safari App Extension is already included in the IINA ...

I recently released Outplayer, a new video player for iOS ...

2019年3月30日 — I watch a lot of video on my Mac where there are some great projects like mpv and IINA ... iPad? Is it able to have a similar file sync ...


For and only for modern macOS. IINA is born to be a modern macOS application, from its framework to the user interface. It adopts the post-Yosemite design ...

IINA 多媒體播放器正式版降臨,支援暗黑模式與畫中畫等 ...

2019年1月2日 — 在macOS 上的影片播放應用除了廣為人知的VLC 以外,先前我們也介紹過的IINA 多媒體播放器正式版也已經正式降臨,帶來許多更支援原生系統的應用功能, ...

IINA 彙整- 蘋果仁

2021年1月24日 — ... iPad Pro 懶人包一次看完 · iPad Air 6 懶人包一次看完 · AirPods 4 懶人包 ... IINA. 標籤: IINA. Mac App 推薦 · 10 款Mac 新手必裝、重灌Mac 也要裝的 ...


2023年3月14日 — IINA 是一款Mac免费的视频播放器,支持播放Flash。在iOS中是一款非常受欢迎的播放器,同时也可以使用IINA播放Flash和音频,也可以播放其他格式的音 ...

Outplayer on the App Store

2022年10月23日 — Great app to mimic mpv and IINA on iPad. It's great, plays all the same files that mpv would (meaning that it will play pretty much ...

Support iOS or iPadOS? · Issue #3129 · iinaiina

2020年9月26日 — Are there any plans to support the iPhone or iPad? iOS or iPadOS?


2017年5月23日—IhaveiPhone7PlusandiPadPro12.9here,fortesting.CanyouoptimizedlibmpvforiOS?Iknowthisisnoteasy.,YoucanopenvariousonlinemediainIINAdirectlyfromwebbrowsersbyusingourbrowserextensions.TheSafariAppExtensionisalreadyincludedintheIINA ...,2019年3月30日—IwatchalotofvideoonmyMacwheretherearesomegreatprojectslikempvandIINA...iPad?Isitabletohaveasimilarfilesync ...,ForandonlyformodernmacOS.I...